My What, Where, and Why

April 16

Why, hello there! Let me be the first to welcome you to the Dear Old Bakehouse Blog. I am so glad you’re here. Since you took the time to stumble upon my little corner or the internet, I think I should probably take the time to tell you exactly who I am and what it is that’s brought me here. 

My name is Hannah Eaton. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a feeler of deep feelings, and a lover of cozy things. I am freshly married as of 6 months ago, and even after 28 years of life, I am still stumbling around trying to figure out exactly what it is I’m meant to do while I’m here. 

Within my years of tripping and falling into the right things, there has been one common link between every landing pad. And that, dear friend, is baking.

As a little girl, I sat on the counter while my mom stood and showed me how to make pie. As a teen, I used my free time to bake for my family, and dreamed of opening a business as I destroyed my mom’s kitchen while making peach muffins. As a new adult, I struggled with the thought of college, and after lots of prayer, decided to pursue my passion as a career. And off to culinary school I went. From there, it was a job I loved, working for a local pie shop, and after COVID days, opening my own not far from my hometown. 

The two-and-a-half years of owning Milk and Honey Bakehouse taught me so much… About business and about myself. I learned my joys and my limitations within the world of baking, what I want to change and what I want to hold onto for the rest of my days if possible. 

In the time between closing the shop to now (almost a year exactly), I have felt like a little piece of my heart was inactive. It was there, it was longing to get back in the kitchen and serve, but I really had no good way of satisfying it. I kept telling myself those years were behind me, that I would try to function like a normal woman with a normal 9-5. But… It just kept knocking. Reminding me that it was there, it was still living, and my work couldn’t possibly be done yet. 

I am originally from Southern Illinois, and upon getting married, moved to a new state with my husband. I felt like all of my connections were back home. Opening a baking business here didn’t sound even remotely close to possible or lucrative. But, as my husband very graciously reminded me, this world is changing. The physical world isn’t the only one that exists anymore, and there is so, so much that can be done online. Even… Connect with my people when I’m not there to physically serve them pie any more. 

So, for the past few months, I’ve worked hard to put together a picture of how I would take the bones of Milk and Honey, and turn them into something new. Something that would allow me to serve, and increase my skill, and share what I know with the people who also want to know it. Something that would broaden my horizon from mostly pie, to the whole entire world of baking. It took a bit for the picture of this new business to come into focus, but finally, the pieces started coming together, and the inspiration ignited. And that little piece of my heart that was hollering at me has been let out to stretch its legs. That feels so much better than I can even explain. 

With that said, I am so glad you’ve entered into this new little world and business that I am forming for both myself, and for you, to enjoy. Here, I am going to share not only updates on what I’ve been baking lately, but recipes, techniques, and the thoughts I’m having along the way. 

During my years in the pie business, I can’t tell you the amount of times I heard “I’ve tried making pie before, but it always turns out a disaster.” Well, dearest tornado baker, this is my answer to you. I don’t believe I’m on this planet to gatekeep secrets. I know how to make pie because my grandma taught my mom, and my mom taught me, and because of that, I have made connections with a lot of new faces. Imagine what the world could be if I taught you, and you taught your children, and they taught theirs. 

I mean, it may not usher in world peace, but I’ve never seen anyone get angry when eating apple pie.

With love, sincerity, and excitement,

Your Baker, Hannah


Just Passing It Along